Esteja sempre presente. Transforme o fel em mel. Compartilhe somente o que é bom. Seja nada.

2 de junho de 2007


Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for May 31, 2007 is:

wetware • \WET-wair\ • noun
: the human brain or a human being considered especially with respect to human logical and computational capabilities [o cérebro humano ou o ser humano considerado especialmente com respeito às capacidades lógicas e computacionais]

Example sentence:
With the right wetware at the helm, the company should be able to turn a sizeable profit.

Did you know?
When the computer terms "software" and "hardware" sprang to life in the mid-20th century, a surge of visions and inventions using the new technology immediately followed . . . along with a revival of the combining form "ware." An early coinage was "wetware," which began circuiting techie circles in the 1970s as a name for the software installed by Mother Nature (a.k.a. the brain). Other "ware" names for people and their noggins have made a blip in our language -- for example, "meatware" and "liveware" -- but none have become firmly established in the general lexicon like "wetware."